Here is a quick brief of what I have been up to the past twenty years
After we graduated I left Idaho to enter the USMC (United States Marine Corps) and serve our country. I was not ready and needed to save money for collage. After boot camp in CA and school in NC I was stationed with the 3rd Mar Div in Okinawa , Japan .
Okinawa is a beautiful tropical Island where I stayed until I was medically discharged after the first war with Iraq in Aug of 1991. I stayed in Okinawa teaching Scuba Diving to the Japanese at a resort hotel until 1992 when I left to attend UH ( University of Hawaii ). I was finally ready for collage?

I drove boats and continued to teach scuba on the weekends to the Japanese there on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu while I went to school. Even after I got my degree while I looked for a job it was my Ocean and Japanese language skills that paid most of the bills. Also, during this time I worked at Sky Dive Hawaii briefing Japanese on how to free fall and scheduling the manifest of jumpers. The benefit of working for a sky diving company is that I got to jump for free. This was great fun but certainly not a career and I continued to look for a real job.

In 1995 I married my first wife and accepted a position at PMRF (Pacific Missile Range Facility) on the western most Hawaiian Island of Kauai . This is where I started my career as a civil servant. The pay was low that my level so I still taught scuba on the weekends and even upgraded my Captains License to 100 ton Master for motor and sail boats.
After five years in Kauai I accepted a job in the IT field at Pearl Harbor. I then moved back to Oahu and bought a Condo in Waikiki , a single man again. I continued to study at night until I finished my MBA in Global Management in 2002. Pearl Harbor was a great place to work and I moved up quickly however, I became bored with the job. In 2004 I left the Navy to work for the Army at Fort Shafter as a Network and Systems Administrator.

In 2005 I married Ximena in Las Vegas. It was during the wedding reception that I received a call that led to me accepting my current position here in Stuttgart, Germany . In Europe I work for SOCEUR (Special Operations Command Europe) using my IT skills to help fight the global war on terrorism. Of course, I also have a chance to enjoy places like Munich during Oktoberfest. :)

Email: Click here is see some recent adventures: XIME.INFO
